Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


July 26? I thought it was farther back than that!

I'm back. I'm conservative. And there will be quite a bit of political stuff coming on here. Be warned. If you don't like what I say, tough cookies. I'm also wordy. Be prepared to read a lot of lines. Again, your choice.

The summer is just about over. The wolves are out. Pressing hard upon every iota of every conservative candidate. The conservatives press back. And that infuriates the wolves. No. Not wolves, probably. More like jackals. Or maybe jackasses, as in the icon of their party.

Read a letter in the daily rag the other day that was praising old Bye Bye to the sky. Seems like he created the state and everything in it with his largess from the public treasury. Somehow it had a real hollow ring to it. But I persisted in reading the rest. And I could hardly believe it. The writer also said we should be thankful to Senator Kennedy, that white haired old--no I won't say it-- from somewhere up east. The one with the brain cancer. Why she was proud that his state's voters had returned him to the Senate for forty or so years. This despite his obvious errors in voting and his leaving Mary Jo at the bottom of Chappaquiddick Bay, no less. And yet he is a champion of the people? After waiting for some six or eight hours to tell anyone that she was there?

I saw and heard Mr. Er Ah Um Uh the other day when he was telling us that everyone should lay off Palin's family. No teleprompter, no notes, he had been well coached in what to say. Then the reporter asked a question. Yeah, classic Er Ah Um Uh again. Stuttering, fumbling, trying to think what he needed to say. Took him about two minutes to get out a seven or eight word sentence, and still sounded stupid when he finished it.

Experience keeps a dear school but a fool will learn in no other. Ben was right. The Democrats are in a feeding frenzy about Palin and her lack of experience (disregarding the other media frenzy about her family matters.) They cite her being mayor of a small town and her being governor for only slightly less than two years. So which town was either of their candidates the mayor of? So what states had either as its governor? Er Ah Um Uh says the fact that his campaign has over 2500 workers and a $30million monthly budget gives him vast managerial experience. Sure. When he is the front man, but his campaign managers do all the work. He is told what to do, when to do it by the managers, who also design and decide where ads will be shown, pay the staff, set up the appearances. And that makes him a good manager? That gives him experience? Horse hockey, to quote Colonel Potter!

He also has cited the fact that he was a community activist as experience. In what way did he gain executive experience? Maybe he showed others the proper way to use a stapler to post notices on telephone poles? Which, by the way, is an illegal activity in any jurisdiction in the country!

Oh, well. Pretty boy will drop from the high view in a couple of months and McCain can get on with running the country in a responsible manner--something Er Ah Um Uh could never do, and one which the majority of voters will prevent him from doing anyway. Hell, he will probably rejoin Rev. Wrongs church again.

I have been a regular participant on the HD forums this past summer. It has been interesting. I kept up a constant running gun battle with Jim Porter, along with a couple of his supporters and a few of my supporters. I finally signed off this week as there is no use trying to correct a stump that has only one song. Over and over. Incessantly. I characterized it as the song of a katydid--you know, irritating and constant, never varying, just irritating and constant. The only difference is that a katydid knows enough to shut up when the light of day and reason falls upon it. Porter doesn't.

Also have worked a lot on my family genealogy over the summer, adding some five thousand more people. I have been trying to include some individual histories to it. This takes a lot of time to do. Have done a lot of editing--making sure state designation for VA (WV) is consistent, chasing down birth dates, marriage dates, discovering what counties were included in Fincastle County, VA and Augusta County, VA--a lot of minutia.

I have done very little verse writing. The drive to get up and commit it to paper right then has not been there and it must be in order to retain it. Or even prose. Decided to stop the heavy work on Maple Creek until this winter, although I continue work on smaller segments.

But I am back. And will be making fairly regular entries. Some political, some personal, some outlandish, some not. But all just whatever hits me at the time I decide to do it.

And I must say that the layout of the Blogger setup is an improvement. And my profile looks skyrocketed while I was away. Who knows, may go higher now that they have something to read.

Hang on group. It'll be a helluva ride for a while. And your comments are encouraged!


Blogger Jim Ross said...

Welcome back.

I told some Obama supporters that conservatives are as excited about Palin as Obama people are about their candidate. I don't think the Obama people understood what I was saying. From their facial expressions, it was like, how could anyone be as excited about Palin as true blue Democrats are about Obama?

I thought Dubya made a big mistake in picking Cheney for many reasons, one of which was that he did not leave an heir apparent. McCain did that with Palin. If they lose, she can still be back in 2012. If Obama loses, I don't see Biden mounting a serious campaign in '12.

5:19 PM, September 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goodie! I'm glad you are back and I am also glad you will be delving into political discussion. I was so completely...zzzzzzz...about this election! Then I saw parts of Palin's acceptance (having spent a few days reading whatever I could find about her), and I must say, I'm finally feeling a little optimistic.

I think she's a bulldog! And you know how much I love dogs :) A whole lot of men might be in for a surprise, and , hopefully, a whole lot of women will begin seeing that we conservative gals ain't all mild and meek and prim and proper! Hunting, fishing, thinking, fighting...that isn't all "men's work".

I'm sick of the conservative female being stereotyped as a dainty little female who "stands by her man". Sick of it, I tell you. I am sick of liberal females (the torch bearers of equality, mind you) patronizing us simply because we're more intelligent and reasonable then they are! ;)

IF McCain picked her for some ulterior motive (like luring democrats of the female persuasion to vote Republican), that's fine by me. The joke will be on him. But...I think, really, he chose her to balance the ticket. I know you like McCain, but he's just not conservative enough for my tastes.

6:26 PM, September 04, 2008  
Blogger tanstaafl said...

Now just why would you think I like McCain? Ok. I admit it. I do. I wanted to have a good primary battle between him and Mitt Romney. I like Romney, ,despite the father he had that I simply abhorred. His daddy was a candidate for president too, way back when. But he was so liberal it was sickening. Thank God his boy had a little more sense. (Oh, I voted against his daddy, for sure for sure!) But the primary this year really never took off. Old Dead and Gone McCain, just like Lazarus, rose from the dead and conquered told the elephant to see him instead of the other way around. And I did a little research (Secretly, I listened to what all the Democrazies were saying about him) and he's not such a bad old guy. And that is key--old. Why, he's at least six whole years older than me, for gosh sakes! Downright ancient.

Yeah. I like him. He is about the same conservative stripe that Barry Goldwater was back in 1964 when you two were just youngins! Barry was considered an extremist in his time, but I fell i love with the old coots' political philosophy as a recent college graduate (I still have my Chad Mitchell Trio album that has "Barry's Boys" on it. Loved it then and still do, even though it was a satire, and wasn't too well received by the real Barry's Boys. Ahhh, AuH20.)

But now the far right extremists have so gutted the party that, saving McCain, the party would have lost this year. McCain began bringing it back, but needed an extra punch. He was holding on and giving Er Ah Um Uh fits in the polls--that fellow should have had an easy fifteen point lead Monday morning after the Democrazie convention ended. But it was pegged at closer to ix or eight. The normal bump of eight percent just didn't show up.

Now after this RNC, if McCain gets the normal bump, we are back in the lead.

I look forward to my next post. As it stands now, it will be a hellburner itself. We'll talk about things like exactly what this country was based upon, the second amendment, creationism vs. evolution and a heck of a lot of other stuff that has no controversial veins in it at all. Or I may just quote old Tom T. a little more.

We'll see tomorrow.

Oh, by the way--I'm impressed as all get out by her too--strong conservative, outspoken, courageous, great looking family, great family values --and a looker to boot. God, she is a lot easier to lok at than that old sourpuss Biden. Now aint she?

7:42 PM, September 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


She is a very attractive woman. Feisty, too. I can say that and not be sexist--because I'm a girl, right? Right? And who doesn't like a feisty chick?

But, to add a bit of sexism from my perspective, her husband ain't bad to look at either! Not my type, but he's "cute" enough to get at least some female voters himself. I suspect there's a lot of truth in the notion of people voting for the most attractive between the two parties, it's a pretty even split on that now.

Wow, politics is weird, haha.

Heading to your new post now. I've been looking forward to it.

9:11 AM, September 05, 2008  

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