Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Missive From Miss Sellaneous


My life is just a little too cluttered right now to do much blogging. I'm lucky to get a couple of hours to read other people's blogs and the local rags' forums. Too much mowing, too much social crap, too much springtime getting it all together so the place looks the way I want it to look.

I got the garden in and everything is up and growing, even the weeds--or, especially the weeds. But I can't do anything about that, it is too wet. The cicadas are driving me crazy and they haven't even begun their whine (as of this evening, anyway.) Can't really mow the yard yet, with the swamp area just that.

I did buy a new mower, a riding thing that is small enough to get around flowerbeds but large enough to use on the whole place. Got it at Sears. Normal problems like a dead battery, bent props and the like. I think I have them all worked out now.

Attended a funeral yesterday. My sister-in-law's mother. Good old woman. Got a lot more information that goes into the genealogy (now over 48,000) . Funny thing, a week or two ago I am reading this book, and the guy gives a little genealogical info on his family. Damned if we aren't related--far off but related. My Farleys and his Farleys cross. A nd that puts him into my wife's family too, because her Farleys are sometimes my Farleys. Plus this author has McWhorters in his family, as do I. So I copied his couple of pages on my copier and have been adding data to my files. I look for 50,000 to be here before July 4.

We have been talking about moving my wife's family reunion next year from her sister's house to one of the parks located in the area. So far we have surveyed four of the seven and they all think it is a good idea, but none of them will run with it. Guess it will be my wife and I going it alone again. As usual. We started the reunion back in 1980, and it looks like it is about time to take it in hand again and get it located somewhere permanently.

My brother and sister apparently got their e-mail system fixed so they can now send as well as receive. I just got pictures of a grandnephew and his date for the junior/senior prom this year. Handsome couple. He is a junior at HHS.

I'll try to get back to doing some writing in the evenings after things settle down, probably in a couple of weeks. Until then it is going to be rather sporadic.

I checked my e-mail this evening and discovered that overnight 7 had been deposited and 1 during the day today. So I start in, the first two were from my grandson, the first was blank, the second was to ask me to ignore the first. Good start, huh? The next three were pix I mentioned above, and the next was supposed to be a pix of just my grandnephew. It ended up as ASCII characters. Next to last was a thing my sister-in-law sent (a fwd, and I hate fwd's) about the Holocaust. The last was an attempt to give me a link to a quiz. This one started out coming from my daughter's friend up in northeast Ohio. After two attempts to get the link from her I gave up, then my daughter sends me the same thing, and damned if it didn't have the link either. She tried to resend it but it still wasn't there. I went to Google and found it, took the quiz and discovered that I scored 67% Dixie. A lot of the answers indicated that normally people from Michigan answered that way. Since I lived in SOUTHERN Michigan, I guess they converted those to Dixie scores, too? As a matter of fact, I lived one block off the Dixie Highway! If you want to take the quiz, go to Google--"Yankee quiz", you'll find it.

I'm outta here. Time for a jolt of joe and a short read before bed. See y'all. You all. All of you'se.


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