Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Life around the old ranch has been a little hectic of late. With the advent of spring and all the attendant work required to get the place spruced up, there has been precious little time to do much of anything else. And this will continue for a while longer. But I will try to blog a little more often.

I may have located the outfit through which I may publish my book(s). I haven't made up my mind yet, but it is a good possibility. The production costs seem better and the arrangements are more to my liking than what I've found previously. And I would not be in the distribution business nearly as much.

We had the entire family, less one granddaughter, here yesterday for my wife's birthday celebration.

The redbud trees are gorgeous and the dogwoods are beginning to show a lot of white and red. The grass literally grows an inch a day it seems. I got the garden tilled for the first time last week. The pear trees are off bloom now, but the plum tree is just beginning. Lots of bloom this year on my Granny Smith apple tree.

I will be out looking for mulch today. I need about 100 to 150 cubic feet so it will take a number of trips.

The birds are getting a lot of food from nature now, so I'm scaling back the filling of the feeders somewhat. I thought I saw the first hummingbird last week but it was just a passer through if I did. It has not come back. When it does, the feeders are ready for them.

It is 8:36 AM and the sun just came through the window. Time to get about todays' business. More another time.


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