Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Now for those of you who who have been told repeatedly that constant use of the keyboard will lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, take heart. It aint so.

A blurb in the April 17, 2008 issue of "Family Circle" magazine dispels such an idea. Using as their source the Arthritis and Rheumatism journal, the magazine says:


In fact, the more time you spend in front of the computer, the less likely you are to develop the condition, according to a recent study that surveyed 2,465 people, ages 25 to 65. It appears the repeated low-force muscle activity can decrease the risk of edema, swelling caused by a buildup of tissue fluid, which sometimes leads to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Page 56.

So what do we now do with those hundreds and maybe thousands of typists who have filed claims with workers compensation boards across the country claiming carpal tunnel syndrome was caused by their work? Sounds like we have an industrial injury that is not an industrial injury at all. And I wonder how many of those cases are simple arthritis and rheumatism, caused primarily by heredity in the first place. How many misdiagnoses are we paying for? How many employers have suffered and are suffering higher premium rates for these misdiagnoses? And how many of those misdiagnoses have been caused by workers who do not want to work, but would rather suck the public teat instead?

Interesting little blurb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA! We have a family member who, when attempting to get disability, went to the scheduled doctor's appt for said disability wearing a wrist brace. The doctor asked why she had it on. She said carpal tunnel (she had worked in an office). He asked when it was diagnosed. She says 'I think people KNOW when they have carpal tunnel, without having to have a DOCTOR diagnose it!' (That whole ordeal was SO embarrassing)

HEH! She didn't get her disability (which, trust me, is funny). But you are right--I wonder what this means for all those claims.

2:25 PM, April 03, 2008  
Blogger kelsie said...

Can I have a copy of the article for my husband's ex---still in the middle of a worker's comp fight for her supposed carpal tunnel? from a job she only held for a very few months before filing her claim?

I get asked all the time if I can;'t just get disability for my back---why bother---I don't believe work caused it, and I do not want to be supported by the state.

2:26 PM, April 06, 2008  
Blogger tanstaafl said...

That's it, the sum total from the caps to the page number.

4:44 PM, April 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone read the study. It said that people with more symptoms typed less per day. Their conclusion was that the people who typed more had less incidence of CTS, those that typed less had a higher incidence of CTS. Their conclusion: The more you type the better it must be for CTS!! What boneheads!!! Did they consider that people with more severe CTS will simply type less because of the condition? DUH! Study done in Sweden where they should stick to making cars!

11:48 PM, April 22, 2008  

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