Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Friday, March 28, 2008


There are times when I let my righteous indignation get the better of me.

Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that my responses to certain individuals and certain situations have not been completely indicative of my true feelings. I have noted an increase in my basic conservatism, to the point that I find I have been less than forgiving of those who are the of the liberal stripe. Whatever the reasons, I do not find that I wish to continue this trend.

I am a conservative, in thought and deed. But I am not an extreme conservative. I hold more moderate views, and, in fact, agree with the liberal view in many respects. Yet I have seen my reaction to the extreme liberals to be a 9-9 push toward the far right. My normal laid back style has been corrupted. And I will change that.

I am an intelligent person. Therefore I should have realized that the posters of the far left have been inciting me to my responses. But I fell into their trap, and responded as they wanted me to. No more. I am on to their baiting.

I am a forgiving person, probably too forgiving, at times. But, nevertheless, I do tend to get my points across, at times in a most acerbic way. At other times, I get my points across in a straightforward manner. I much prefer the latter method.

I am not a lurker. When I see something with which I disagree, I do not stand back, I jump right in and let the writer know that I disagree. I do not do this for every item, as I do not have that much time. But if I feel it is important, I do let the writer know that I feel they are wrong and give reasons why I feel that way. But, of late, I have found that I have been going on gut reaction, rather than reasoned argument.

So, what do I do now? Where do I go?

For the most part, there will be little change. There will be less confrontational responses from me. There will be more reasoned responses from me. And, there will be fewer responses from me. I found myself jumping into discussions where all I was doing was adding heat. And my normal moderate views do not support that activity.

I became embroiled in the Clinton/Obama cesspool. And for no good reasons. That is a problem the Democrat party will have to sort out. I don't really have a horse running in that race, it is too comical to really matter, and the mudslinging of those two can only add to the Republican coffers of tools to be used when the real race starts. So why should I get involved and try to correct their errors? I shouldn't. And won't. Unless the participants try to drag the conservatives into the slime along with them. So my political comments will become very few for the time being. At least on the national scale.

Local politics, however, will probably receive a larger share of my attention. As will local social issues, and statewide politics. I do have dogs in those races. And expect to participate in discussions of them.

Contrary to the diatribes issued by the liberal faction, I find that the conservatives like myself have a more idealistic view than the hard-line conservatives and the liberals as a group. I do not find that to be a problem for me. I have always been rather idealistic. But I tend to be somewhat of a pragmatist, too. Ideals do not feed the hungry nor clothe them nor shelter them. That takes pragmatic action. But even the most pragmatic person must have goals and ideals toward which they want to steer governmental and societal actions. And this must not be read as any religious bent, for it is not.

I am constantly disappointed by those who tout their idealistic notions and then fail to act upon them. I attempt, always, to move my life toward my ideals. Many successes and more failures. But the attempt must be made in every action that a person takes. Failure to reach the goal or the ideal is not a moral issue. Failure to attempt to do so is a moral issue.


Blogger Jim Ross said...

I kept my mouth shut and my opinions to myself for too many years. Even when I knew people were being led astray.

No more. I can't be quiet. But I know what you mean about picking your battles. You can't join in every fight.

Some issues get me going. I jump into global warming discussions because too many people talk like they know what they're talking about. I doubt that there are three people in West Virginia who really know what's going on regarding climate. But we're all expected to take one side and argue it into eternity. Forget that.

4:34 PM, March 28, 2008  
Blogger tanstaafl said...

Picking your own battles is a good thing. But there are times when I just can't resist hitting someone with a real zinger. And I find I have been doing that too much lately. So I will back off a little rather than continue stirring the pot. Sometimes. I did it today in about three instances.

But I do like a good discussion, even though heated, at times. One has been the RIF of Jeremy Richardson by the school board. I don't know the person. From all I hear we have a really good teacher there. But the immediate criticism I get is that I dare to say the venue was wrong. And that makes me wrong on all issues in the discussion? I think not. And so I stir it a little more to get the posters to say what is really bugging them.

And they still refuse to comment on the original point. And as long as they refuse I'll keep at it until they do make a comment referring to the original point.

But moderation is still a better course overall.

4:58 PM, March 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All things in moderation, lol.

Okay--I spout off more than I should and feel guilty about it later. Why? Because, for most of my life, I tried to be the mediator, the calm-things-down-er, the make-everyone-happy-er :) And it is EXHAUSTING.

But! It is also exhausting beating a dead horse. And I've done that a lot, too...privately and otherwise.

I guess I need to learn when to replace a snarl with a smirk. Supposedly, silence can be intimidating, haha. :)

Tans, I don't know what is going on with me, ideologically. I feel as though, the longer life goes on, the more liberal I get on some topics, and the more conservative I get on others. I can't find that box I'm supposed to fit in, and I've kicked them all over trying. I'm surprised, sometimes, by what falls out.

Anyway, interesting post. I like getting a glimpse into people's minds :)

Oh...and here's my blog (well, the most current one)...but I won't link to it often because it stinks and it is mostly a bunch of girly insecurity stuff. But...I saw the comment you left asking to be informed if I started a blog, and I started feeling guilty not sharing it.

9:39 PM, March 28, 2008  
Blogger michelle said...

Oops. Sorry, habit. Here ya go

9:42 PM, March 28, 2008  
Blogger tanstaafl said...

Well, Michelle, good effort. Your blog link did not make it.

2:22 PM, March 29, 2008  
Blogger tanstaafl said...

Actually, it did make it , but I've kept it off the board. If she wants to publish it to other folks that's fine, but I will not do so without permission.


9:35 PM, March 29, 2008  

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