Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Well, well, well--

So Mr. Er Ah has decided to open seven campaign offices within the state of West Virginia. How interesting. Funny that he has never shown any interest in this state before. Could the latest polls be worrying him just a little? Gallup has him trailing by five points among registered voters nationwide. Our local Herald Dispatch unscientific poll shows him losing by 26 points. There are hundreds of polls, and a few actually show him to be ahead, but only by one or two points. So now he is going to shower the state with cash to see if he can pull it out.

I have no doubt that it will be by far less than 26 points in West Virginia, but surely he will lose the state by a fairly wide margin. West Virginia Democrats are still pissed off by the actions of their leaders in supporting Obama when Clinton won overwhelmingly. And, although many still repeat the old black man can't get elected in West Virginia mantra, that is a very very small number of voters.

But, and a big but, this black man cannot get elected in West Virginia. While we are pictured nationwide as a very prejudiced people in this state, that is simply another stereotype promulgated by the media and reinforced by those who do not know us. There is far less bigotry due to racial origins in this state than in most around the country.

Sure there are those here who still use the N word. And the influx of blacks selling drugs has not helped that situation. The rapid increases in crime, committed primarily by the blacks who have come for that purpose, has not helped that situation. And it is not just in the Huntington area. All areas of the state, even very small communities have been affected by this scourge.

But the people in West Virginia are still the old independent mountaineer stock, on the whole. We recognize and esteem people as they are, not according to their race, but according to their actions. And most recognize the ephemeral nature of the influx. Most see that if the local population will resist the attraction of illegal street drugs, the problem will reduce to manageable size.

And there will always be those who do look at the color or ethnicity or religious beliefs as the measure of a person. Nationwide and worldwide phenomenon. Not a trait that can be said to be pervasive in our communities.

Be that as it may, Obama has little chance to succeed in West Virginia for a great number of reasons. But the primary reason is that he is completely out of touch with us. The last elitist president who won wide approval in West Virginia was Franklin Roosevelt. And Obama, unlike Roosevelt, has no substance to his ideas. I am not a great admirer of Roosevelt, but at least he followed up his statements with actual performance. He was able to galvanize a country that had been brought to its knees economically and socially. Obama talks a good game, but cannot provide methodologies to fulfill his promises, or at the very least, has not done so as yet.

Obama's pick of Joe Biden was a disaster for his campaign. It was an open admission that he has no usable experience and is praying that Biden can prop him up. Unfortunately, Biden is the third most liberal in his votes over his career of some thirty years in Congress. Obama is number one during his short tenure, by the way.

So the stage is set.

Obama preaches change and in order to secure it he wants to spend, spend, spend. He has said that he will provide tax relief for 95% of the American people. That leaves very few people to pay the trillions of additional spending that he has proposed.

He has indicated that he wants to join with all countries of the world in discussions. But no conditions antecedent. He by his silence indicates that UN sanctions mean nothing to him. He wants the UN Security Council to rap Russia's knuckles for the mess in Georgia, not realizing that Russia has full veto power over that body. He said the surge in Iraq would not work. When proven wrong, he still insists that he would not have approved it.

Just what IS in his head? He must wear asbestos clothing to protect him from all the rapid rotations of ideas he puts forth. He changes alright. He changes his positions daily, to suit whatever audience happens to be on tap that day.

Simply put, I do not like him. A man who vacillates so much is no leader, and is not a person I want to lead this country for one day, much less for four years. And the thought that his running mate MIGHT someday be president, God forbid anything happening to Obama, terrifies me.

Admittedly, I am a conservative, in thought and action. But this goes way beyond that. Had the Republicans nominated someone of Obama's character and qualifications, even if he/she were a staunch conservative, I would be saying the same about him/her. I would vote for a screaming liberal before I would vote for a know-nothing such as that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

Simply put, from my perspective, West Virginia Democrats aren't "democrats" in the modern sense of the word. The racists I know? Democrats. Opposition to gay marriage? Democrats. Those whining the most about higher taxes? Democrats.

It's kind of funny to me how much we're hearing about Palin and "how scared" they are of her intentions to prevent gay marriage and end abortions and teach abstinence in schools...and yet the ONLY people I personally know who voted AGAINST the marriage amendment here in Kentucky when it was on the ballot? Republicans. Keep in mind, I said people I know, I can't speak for the entire state. Yet it was just another illustration of democrats and their hypocrisy. My republican friends and family members voted against it. Because we don't WANT government in our personal matter WHO is demanding it or for WHAT reasons. Democrats I know voted FOR it, because "those gays shouldn't be allowed to get married, the PERVERTS!" And, by the way, when the GSA issue was big here in the county? The opposition to a gay straight alliance in a high school? Democrats. That wasn't the "religious right" over here. Those were mostly democrats...who voted for Clinton, voted for Kerry, who vote for anyone who is a democrat because "democrats are for the working man"! Yet there they go, crying foul when the "values" of democrats affect their own little personal bubbles. It's hypocrisy or stupidity or ignorance...or maybe a combination of all three. But let the democrats keep them. The republican party has enough problems. Let the democrats keep fighting amongst themselves and maybe some day they'll figure out what their problem is.

It holds true here in Kentucky, too. At least in this area. A whole lot of people are democrats because their parents and grandparents were. They call themselves "liberal" yet oppose nearly everything on the liberal agenda. However, they are so blinded by the generational voter registration, they don't see that choosing a (D) simply because it's a (D) isn't voting their conscience! They are putting party before anything! Personal beliefs, national interests, whatever.

Thus far, a small sampling of personal friends who hate Bush and cry "I'm a liberal, you neocon!" are refusing to vote for Obama. You know why? Because he's black. That's it. Because he's black. It's very strange, to be on the opposing side and have to tell a registered democrat that he or she is an idiot for not voting for a man simply because he is black.

In public, they say one thing--anything, for the party. In private? It's another matter entirely.

In the same vein, there are a whole lot of self-professed "conservatives" that aren't very conservative. Bush, for example! But...much as I am not fond of Bush, at least he has been pretty good about being consistent in his personal positions, even in the face of mockery and ridicule of extreme, nonsensical levels. Unlike never knows where they will land on issues from one day to the next.

I have nothing personal against Obama. I think he has some good ideas...but ideas don't mean much without a way to implement them--and I don't think he's capable of doing that. He's put himself solidly in the arms of the "establishment" of his party, and we've all seen how ineffective they are on carrying out their utopian promises.

As you know, I don't have a whole lot of faith in McCain, either, in that regard. He's done flip-flopping of his own on some issues I care a lot about. But NOT on issues that are of great importance to the nation's security. I have a strong moral compass, but I'm also very aware that, in this country at least, moral issues really have nothing to do with national security, infrastructure, and the economy--which is what I figure we should look for in a President. My morals are all about me and my life experiences and/or beliefs...I don't want that legislated, because we all have different experiences and beliefs, and are free to express them...well, mostly. The democrats don't seem to want us to be able to do that. To them, freedom of expression for anyone but them is bigotry or hate or establishing a theocracy or whatever kinds of crap excuses they come up with for their hypocrisy.

I think it would help a lot if we'd get morality out of national debates. That isn't their job, and they just make us look stupid when we get hung up on things that a President has no power to control anyway. The other side hated Bush for what? How many years now? They were convinced he was going to overturn Roe v. if that's in his power to do. And now, apparently failing to understand that a President cannot do that, they're using the same tactic with Palin.

Here's my take. The left isn't attacking McCain so much as Palin because McCain isn't really all that different from them. And he's pals with their gal Hillary.

They are scared of Palin, because she ISN'T just like them (at least what they profess to be, although she strikes me as almost identical to democrats of this area; can you imagine how they'd cry if they knew I said that? LOL). They should fear Biden. ESPECIALLY democrats of the southern variety, which is what we mainly have here. They should fear Biden. A lot.

2:49 PM, September 09, 2008  
Blogger tanstaafl said...

Aw, there's really not too much wrong with Joe. He's just been Biden his time!

4:10 PM, September 09, 2008  
Blogger kelsie said...

and hey, if he can't think of something to say, he can always copy it from someone else......LOL...yeah, that digs back a few years.....I may be showing my age with that comment...

But to face facts, Obama has a snowball's chance in hell of pulling off a win in WV----unless McCain moons the press, he will most likely take the state, and the country....too many people are starting to see the answers getting vaguer and the ranting and haranguing on/by the Dem side getting louder.....My husband actually has likened Obama's flipflops to Kerry's....ouch....

9:08 PM, September 09, 2008  
Blogger tanstaafl said...

Obama is the prototypical liberal. Redistribution of wealth by the government, government interference in the production, pricing and availability of goods and services from the private sector, massive entitlement programs with no accountability on the part of the recipient, and 'free' health care for all citizens (wonder who pays for this free health care).

Simply put, he is the contender with no new ideas for controlling government and, what may be worse, bad ideas on foreign relations. His pick of Biden shows a total lack of respect for the American people and their desire to have changes made in the manner of governance received from Washington.

While I do not believe for one moment that McCain can stop all earmarks, at least he has made it a top priority of his campaign. And I admit I was stunned to hear that Obama has proposed at least a million dollars each working day of his US senatorial career for earmarks, with no rebuttal from the Obama camp.

It will be a close race. Who wins will be affected most by those who care for this country more than promoting an agenda. That simply means that the conservatives must mobilize their constituents and win over the bulk of the independent voters in the country and the Reagan Democrats. I do not see many changes from the last election in the Electoral College, unless one or the other manages to hit upon the exact issues that are of importance to voters in swing states.

It should be an interesting eight weeks. Hang on to your wallets, both parties are coming to get them.

7:06 AM, September 10, 2008  
Blogger kelsie said...

yeah I was listening to the radio while heading home from dr yesterday morning and heard teh stats that some group gave to the candidates on their earmarks......McCain scored 100% for last year---not voting for any earmarks---remember I heard this on radio. Biden scored 0%---apparently he backed everything coming down the pike, and Obama scored a 10%. Hmmmmm....
Overall, lifetime scores were McCain 88%, Biden about 10% and Obama 18%, or vice versa on the Dems.......
Hmmmmmm.... again....
By the way, got any lipstick--I might want to give a pig a makeover.....LOL.....

8:12 AM, September 11, 2008  
Blogger tanstaafl said...

And then we have the chairman of the South Carolina Obama campaign saying that Palin's only qualification was that she has not had an abortion.

They are grasping at straws and making themselves and their candidate look silly. Anyone who sanctions or does not dismiss such people in no one I want running a garbage dump much less this great land of ours.

10:57 AM, September 11, 2008  

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