Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Uh, Mr. Howard, I have a Poem

I got out of bed early yesterday morning. I had my coffee and breakfast and sat down in my chair to read a little Robert Frost. For some reason, even before I opened the book, a poem sprang full blown into my head. Well, actually, just the first two lines. But before I could get a pencil and paper, the thing was fleshing itself out and by the time I got seated again, it was practically set in stone in my little old mind.

Here it is, untitled as yet:

She set her cap, said, "he's the man
Whom I want to wed,"
Not thinking of the other ones
That may have shared his bed.

They married, and he left her flat,
After two months and went his way,
Leaving her with HIV,
Her reward for their play.

And, six years later, to the day,
After she became his wife,
We laid her in a cold, cold grave,
When she gave up her life.

So, girls, remember, though it be love,
or passion, if you please,
There's danger in this big old world,
Whenever you spread your knees.

Now, what should be the title? So far I have LUST and JUST LUST. I tinkered with Advice to the Loveworn, but discarded it. Help me out. Give me a title.

Oh, the title of this post --is a quotation from a character that appeared on a 1950's tv program called, aptly enough, It Pays to be Ignorant. I used to watch it every week when I was in my teens.


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