Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Monday, October 08, 2007

WV Blogger Blackout

This section added 18 October 2007--I knew I shouldn't have let Hootie transcribe what follows below. His typing is the pits. And here I am, almost two weeks later, having to go in and edit his poor work. Shame, Hootie, shame. No extra mousie for you today. Ok, Ok, I know, it's a vole.


Life is good again.

Hootie just about had a conniption fit here a couple of days ago. See, he was into this blog site and was just getting ready to start springing his idiotic humor on them, and the damned site went down. No warning, no notice, just phssszzt, and gone. Well, you know Hootie, he wasn't going to take that sitting down. (Have you ever seen an owl sit? No, I mean sit, not perch. It is not a pretty sight, let me tell you.) So he boots up the box and makes an inquiry. And sure enough, the news comes back that it is kaput, frazzled, fried and just plain mush.

I'm not much of a sympathizer with owls, but he looked so damned pitiful--I told him he could go to the Huntington Blog site. No, she was too mean and would have him for breakfast one of these days. After all, a person who doesn't just adore Tom McCallister aint no kind of person to mess with. I may have looked askance at him a time or two over that outburst, but then I put him on the tristateforum. No, just too darned tame over there. Besides, no one posts anything much except what is semi-important to those in Kentucky and Ohio. As a hillbilly owl, he sure gets tempered up every now and then.

So I didn't really know what to do with him or for him for a few days, so I just kept him shut up in his cage with the towel down and threw him a mousie or two now and then. (Oh, he tells me they are voles, not mousies. He says since I catch them outside they are voles. If you catch them inside they are mousies. OK, Hootie, you are the expert on that, I guess.) But, today, man, it really got to stinking bad so I took the cage outside and made him clean it up. Ugh. I don't even want to talk about it.

While I was bringing it back inside, he flew away and hit the keyboard and in a flash flew back and told me his troubles were over. He had just gotten an e-mail (well, it was my e-mail, but he likes to have his little peccadillos), so I asked him what was up. He went into this loud fit of squawking, honking and spitting and I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. I threatened him with the fan again and he quieted right down and handed me the copy. Seems the site is back up under new management is how he explained it to me. I aint technical and neither is he, so we just bandy them words about like we actually know what is going on, and most of the time people don't even guess how really tragically iggorant we is.

Onywho--He wouldn't rest until I got us logged back into the board and made some entries.

Poor little feller, he's asleep over there now. Looks right purty, too. But he don't know theres a darned old mousie running his cage and picking up all the blood and guts he left from the last one. He'd probably do it right in his pants, if he wore any, ifn he knowed that.

Hey--HOOTIE--wake up! God that was funny. Heh heh heh. Here he thought he was still outside and tried to launch. Damned cage has gotten three broken wires and old Hootie is trapped until I straighten it out.

And I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow, Hootie.

Heh heh heh heh heh heh

towhoo towhoo


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