FBI vs. Apple
Hacking a telephone or a computer or computer system is a crime. Be it a misdemeanor or a felony, state or federal, it is a crime.
No one, private citizen, government official or corporate citizen can be compelled to commit a crime.
Check it out with any competent constitutional lawyer. It seems a number of amendments speak to this attempt by the FBI to force Apple to commit a crime (s).
The media hacks and pundits and just plain liars are constantly squawking that Apple must bend to the FBI. 'Taint so, McGee!
And they use the most outlandish reasons for saying so. It's to prevent a crime--the crime(s) are already committed. And by forcing Apple to bend to their will, the FBI is committing another crime and making Apple complicit with them.
It's to prevent terrorism--same answer, Charlie.
It's their duty to do so--nope, one's duty is to obey the laws, ALL the laws of his country.
For every argument put forth by the FBI and it's flacks, there is one simple answer--it is unconstitutional to force any being, private or corporate, to commit a crime.
All the lollygagging about it is so much spoiled milk. It is a power grab attempt by the federal boys
and must not be countenanced by any person who has a basic smattering of common sense.
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