The answers are: No, No and No.
The KKK is the same old yesterday's news that it has been since the Roosevelt administration and before. It raises it's ugly old head every four years and then falls back into seeming oblivion for the next four. There will always be those who hate, those who lie in wait to come forth and spew their vitriol when the populace is generally upset over something completely at an angle from their beliefs.
But there is no resurgence, only a splinter in it's ass.
David Duke, like the KKK, is a figure from the past who has outlived his message. Sure he was a power in his heyday, but that old power is gone forever. And, sure, like the KKK, he gains some respectability every now and then, but it is like a snake that has had it's head cut off. It will twist and turn, causing great concern among the uneducated for a short while, but will soon lose even the ability to do that.
Donald Trump is far from stupid. He is really a brilliant mind, but also a consummate liar and braggart. And, as with so many, practically all liars, sometimes he gets trapped by his lies. When you tell so many, it is really difficult to remember all that you have told, and, sooner or later, will find that you contradict yourself. When it happens, the consummate liar will then tell a covering lie that dismisses all previous ones on the subject. If you need proof of that, check out the tale of the two Michigan legislators and their love affairs that surfaced about a year ago, and is just now resurfacing again.
I really do not think that the United States needs an arrogant consummate liar as president.