Boy, what a hornet's nest.
They could have called it anything else except that.
Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Those who know me know that I do not get too excited about the normally stupid acts, or proposed acts, of our various state legislators. There are some times right here in West Virginia that the Legislature does stupid things, and I rail about specific ones, but on the whole, the states have given over their powers of legislating to the federal government, long ago.
Rarely do state legislators catch the passing flame of reality and actually act upon that torch. But this time they have caught a real barn-burner of a topic. But they did not stop to think about what public reaction to the title of the bills would be.
Back about six years ago, the population of the US began changing it's mind about [NO! You will not catch me using the term 'gay' to describe homosexuals.] the seemingly unstoppable rise in homosexuality and lesbianism in this country. And we are now faced with the fact that more people accept homosexuality and lesbianism as normal. And they are a vocal group - not those who passively agree, but the practicioners.
Now, as a matter of actual fact, none of the bills that are proposed or have passed in the states mention homosexuality or lesbianism, bi-sexuality or transgenderism (whatever in hell that is). And why the last two are even grouped with the first two is beyond my ken.
But the loud talkers of that section of society have grabbed on like a dog on a bone, and have tried to make the subject just that, an attack upon their 'rights'.
I don't really give a ruby red rats ass what they do behind the door of their bedrooms, whether heterosexual, bi-sexual, homosexual, lesbian or whatever. But I DO care how they tend to attempt to shut down my core religious beliefs, and try to make me believe that their life style must be approved by every member of society, in order to be fair to them.
They want to holler about the 'rights of the minority'.
So let's take a look at the rights of the minority, from a different perspective than what most people think of when minorities are discussed.
In this country we have three major political groups, Democrat party adherents, Republican party adherents and Independents. Which is the largest? Which the smallest? Of course, the Independents are the smaller of the three, but I don't hear a great deal about the fact that they have negligible representation in the Congress or state legislatures. And it isn't because they are not vocal, it is just that they are entitled to all the protections of the laws that every other citizen is. So with the odd-sexual practices group members. National and state and county and city laws DO protect every single one of them.
But they do not want the equal protections afforded everyone, they want SPECIAL protections, designed to give them that extra protection that other minorities and all other citizens are not entitled to have.
"It's the same old tune, it's the man in the moon," as Willie Nelson sang. Every minority group, at one time or the other demands the same old thing, demands that pie in the sky.
And not a single one of them deserves it, and, in the end, in our democracy, not a one of them gets to keep it even when granted by one government, because here will come a change in administrations, and a change in priorities and there goes the extra protections granted.
So, let 'em holler and stomp their feet. It aint gonna get 'em what they want.
And the religious people of the land will keep believing the way they always have.
And I still believe that every business owner has the right to refuse service to anyone - and does not need to explain why to anyone. Think about it the next time you see that "No shoes, no shirt, no service" sign.