Perfect It Aint

As the title indicates, perfect it aint. I'll rant and rave, maybe even curse once in a while. You are welcome to join me with your comments. At worst I'll just tear out the rest of my hair. At best, I may agree with you. Or maybe I'll just ignore it, because you know, perfect it aint!

Location: Barboursville, Appalachia, United States

Retired, Financial and Management specialist, lived all over country, but for some reason, decided to retire to West Virginia (that's the new one, not the Richmond one). Please note that all material appearing on this blog is covered under my own personal copyright as creator, except those items appearing in the Comments that do not appear under the screen name of Tanstaafl or are attributed to others by citation. No license is intended or given to copy or redistribute anything appearing in this blog unless written permission is first obtained from the author.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Israel, Child of Woe

Well, here's your chance to crucify me.

Hezbollah attacked Israel with rockets. Israel attacked southern Lebanon where it was supposed Hezbollah agents were located. Lebanon refused to get involved.

Let's look at what we've got. (1) An outlaw organization moves in and takes over the southern part of Lebanon and the duly constituted government of Lebanon does nothing. Receiving arms and money from Syria and Iran, Hezbollah amasses a huge cache of rockets as well as buying enough men to fire them and places to set up firing stations all over southern Lebanon, not to mention small arms of all kinds. (2) In retaliation, Israel launches attacks against the duly constituted government of Lebanon which is the responsible government of the territory from which the rockets were launched. After a week of pounding Hezbollah positions all over Lebanon, Israel announces it will begin an all-out frontal assault on the southern portion of Lebanon (where the bulk of Hezbollah members reside.) The duly constituted government of Lebanon does nothing. (3) The United Nations arranges a cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon. Hezbollah declares total victory.


Does anyone besides me see any problems here?

Is everyone as dumb as that?

Boy, I think I'll start me another pyramid scheme if they are! But has anyone got the guts to say anything? Not so far.

Well, here goes nothin'. Hezbollah is correct. It is a total victory for them. There is no mention of disarming Hezbollah after the cease-fire. The UN peacekeeping troops are not allowed to detain anyone. The UN peacekeeping troops are not allowed to shoot anyone. The UN peacekeeping troops are sitting ducks with no power to even wipe their ass unless Hezbollah lets them. They are not even charged with observing. Just what they are there for, no one really knows for it was not made clear by the UN. I use the term 'UN peacekeeping troops' advisedly and purposely, and hopefully to excess, to show how utterly ridiculous that term is.

I cheered when Israeli forces started into southern Lebanon. I thought, well, maybe, now we'll get something done about Hezbollah. But, just as Bush I was stopped before toppling Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War, so Israel was stopped from completing the oncoming rout of Hezbollah. Israel would have scorched the earth if necessary to rid the world of those vermin. But the UN stopped them. And, by doing so, has left untouched one of the most evil force for terrorism the world has ever known.

Seems to me they were involved in the killing of over two hundred American Marines a number of years ago in Beirut--and any number of other killings, kidnappings and bombings that have occurred. And the UN just doesn't get it. Kopi Annan is a complete ass, one whose only talents are for graft and allowing future slaughter to occur with the hope of current stability. I don't know how other people feel; for myself, I'd rather I die now that my children and grandchildren would be able to live in peace in the future. The UN apparently does not feel that way. Exactly the opposite. Am I wrong?

Now, why are Lebanese troops being used by the UN in Lebanon? This is a first in the history of the world. Never have a country's own troops been used by the UN to keep peace in their own country. What's the point? They are the reason for the dispute at the outset. If the Lebanese government had employed them to do their job and rid their country of an outlaw organization, there would have been no war. These troops have been so ineffective that Lebanon's government indicated they were not strong enough to even begin rooting out Hezbollah.

Comes now a question. If the war was between Israel and Hezbollah, why was Lebanon asked for it's approval of the cease-fire terms? If the war was between Israel and Lebanon, the Lebanese would have rolled over and played dead after one day of it. Lebanon was not involved one way or the other, so why was it's approval sought?

Comes now a question. Since the war was between Israel and Hezbollah, why was not Hezbollah asked to approve the cease-fire? Of course, the answer is, that Hezbollah is not a country certified to the UN as a country in it's own right, it is simply an outlaw, terrorist, political arm of Syria and Iran.

Comes now the real question. Why in hell did Israel accept asuch a cease fire agreement? This is the boner I can't get through my thick skull. Why would Israel accept such an obviously bad cease fire agreement? Did the Israeli government have so much political pressure put on it that it had to yield? Was the US putting on that pressure? God, I hope not!

But Israel has put itself in the most precarious position it has been in since it's inception back in 1948. There is really no way out for Israel now. With Hamas on the south and Hezbollah on the north; with both Syria and Iran spoiling for a fight; with the UN imposed cease-fire agreement hamstringing it, I have grave doubts for Israel's survival. She's a tough old bird but she's playing a losing hand right now. And our government is not putting up much squawk, either.

I can hear St. Peter calling, I can almost smell the flowers-------


Blogger kelsie said...

Can this compact take the impact...I got a diesel on my tail...

Did you put that in there just to see if I'd remember?

Amen to your post. Personally I think we should run the UN out of NY and tell them to kiss our ass. I think Israel should, too. I'm sorry about any "collateral damage", but , you know, the terrorists couldn't give a crap about it, and they are the ones who put their own people deliberately in harm's way. Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire, and sometimes you gota back down, but this is not the time to back down. I was pregnant with my youngest when 9/11 happened, and I watched it unfold on the TV and heard it on the radio, and tried to explain to my other kids what had happened and why. I don't vengeance--that is God's to handle. I just want a world where people agree to disagree and leave what isn't rightfully theirs the hell alone. That's how I teach my kids. Stand and fight when you must, and sometimes you must even when no one else agrees with you.
We as a society think and care too much about how the world see us, both as a country and as individuals, and so we back down or give in on things that in the long run turn out to cause more harm to us and ours than if we had fought for our viewpoint.

6:03 PM, August 31, 2006  

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